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Amateur Radio Station

Chinese 200 Watt Band Pass Filters

Aliexpress and now other online websites sell these 200 watt band pass filters for around 50 USD (+/- $15). Definitely one of my more expensive and high risk purchases on aliexpress.

The filters themselve turn out to be closely to what is advertised. SWR is below the promised 1.5. The pass band attenuation is around -0.5 to -0.6 dB. Some of the sellers have screen shots of the attenuation across the spectrum. These show a sharp drop off which do not come close to what I have measured.

I've created a few Youtube videos about the filters as well:

Jump to specific sections:

Internals of the 40m Band Pass Filter

40m Band Pass Filter - inside view 1

40m Band Pass Filter - inside view 2

40m Band Pass Filter - inside view 3

40m Band Pass Filter - inside view 4

Internals of the 20m Band Pass Filter

20m Band Pass Filter - inside view 1

20m Band Pass Filter - inside view 2

20m Band Pass Filter - inside view 3

20m Band Pass Filter - inside view 4

Internals of the 15m Band Pass Filter

15m Band Pass Filter - inside view 1

15m Band Pass Filter - inside view 2

15m Band Pass Filter - inside view 3

15m Band Pass Filter - inside view 4

Spectrum Sweep

Spectrum analyzer sweep from 1.3 MHz to 30 MHz

40m Band Pass Filter
40m Band Pass Filter - wide band

20m Band Pass Filter
20m Band Pass Filter - wide band

15m Band Pass Filter
15m Band Pass Filter - wide band

Filter Specific Band Pass Closeups

Spectrum analyzer sweep of the band pass with skirts.

40m Band Pass Filter
40m Band Pass Filter - band pass close-up

20m Band Pass Filter
20m Band Pass Filter - band pass close-up

15m Band Pass Filter
15m Band Pass Filter - band pass close-up

80m / 3.5 MHz Band Closeups

Spectrum analyzer sweep of the 80m / 3.5 MHz band.

40m Band Pass Filter
40m Band Pass Filter - 80m band close-up

20m Band Pass Filter
20m Band Pass Filter - 80m band close-up

15m Band Pass Filter
15m Band Pass Filter - 80m band close-up

40m / 7 MHz Band Closeups

Spectrum analyzer sweep of the 40m / 7 MHz band.

40m Band Pass Filter
40m Band Pass Filter - 40m band close-up

20m Band Pass Filter
20m Band Pass Filter - 40m band close-up

15m Band Pass Filter
15m Band Pass Filter - 40m band close-up

20m / 14 MHz Band Closeups

Spectrum analyzer sweep of the 20m / 14 MHz band.

40m Band Pass Filter
40m Band Pass Filter - 20m band close-up

20m Band Pass Filter
20m Band Pass Filter - 20m band close-up

15m Band Pass Filter
15m Band Pass Filter - 20m band close-up

15m / 21 MHz Band Closeup

Spectrum analyzer sweep of the 15m / 21 MHz band.

40m Band Pass Filter
40m Band Pass Filter - 15m band close-up

20m Band Pass Filter
20m Band Pass Filter - 15m band close-up

15m Band Pass Filter
15m Band Pass Filter - 15m band close-up

SWR sweeps

SWR sweeps of the pass band.

40m Band Pass Filter
40m Band Pass Filter - swr

20m Band Pass Filter
20m Band Pass Filter - swr

15m Band Pass Filter
15m Band Pass Filter - swr